Friday, December 20, 2019


McKinley parents and kids - reminder - we have our own tournament on Jan 11 - !!!!   Please register online ASAP - it shows the world that this will be a big tournament, and will inspire more registrations from outside the school.  To register, please go to and click on Tournaments / Register and go from there.  K3 for kids in K thru 3, K6 for kids in 4th and 5th grade.  K12 of course is for kids in Middle School or High School then.

Everyone in the class should be ready to play in a tournament by that time - to make sure your child is ready, please earn the QUEEN level on ChessKid, or please send me an email and I can review your child's readiness if they've played some games online, or during class on the 9th (our first class wherein we return after holiday break).

Thank you !!  - Mark / Mr S.

P.S. Don't forget the week AFTER we have a tournament at Whitman Middle School!  That's Jan 18.  You register for that tournament the same way as stated above.  - M

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