Monday, February 21, 2022

McKinley takes K-3 and K-6 at Home Tournament!

At the McKinley chess tournament on Saturday, we welcomed 141 kids from Wisconsin schools. In the K-3 division, McKinley had 12 kids participating, and we won 1st place as a Team! Matthew Mazmanian took 4 out of 5 wins to win the 5th place trophy. Also in the top 10 were Drew Henak and Daniil Nikitin. In the K-6 division, McKinley had 9 kids participating, and we also won 1st place as a Team! Anthony Boettscher won 4 out of 5 games and took the 7th place trophy. Isaac Wurzburger and Priscilla Skyberg-Greer also took 4 out of 5. Our kids did great overall. Every single kid - most of them in their first tournament - won at least 1 game. GREAT JOB MCKINLEY KIDS!!!